Latest Past Events

AZ Community Grand Rounds: Leading with Kindness: An Evidence-Based Approach

Join us March 6th for a virtual event: Leading with Kindness: An Evidence-Based Approach Dr. Stephen Swensen provides evidence and inspiration on how the physical, mental, and social wellbeing of healthcare professionals leads to improved patient experience, outcomes, costs, and safety.  Participants will receive a blueprint […]

2022 HIV/STI/TB Clinical Update

Live, Virtual

When: Thursday, April 7, 2022             9am-2pm, PST A free virtual training for Arizona-based healthcare providers and members of the care team. This event will cover current epidemiological trends and clinical guidelines in the areas of HIV, STIs, and latent tuberculosis infection. […]

Mobilizing Partners: Advancing Health Equity and Addressing Disparities (AHEAD) in Arizona

Live, Virtual

Learning objectives: IdentifyAzCRH-led initiatives to support rural health care and public health partners in addressing COVID-19 driven inequities. Describe lessons learned from two years of COVID response. UnderstandtheimportanceofadoptingahealthequitylenstoinformcontinuedCOVID-19 response and recovery. Dr. Mona Arora is a Tucson native and an Assistant Research Professor at the […]